
Welcome to One-Month Individual Off-Ice Training Plan

Each training session will focus on legs, balance, and core strength using body weight exercises and is scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays. Each session will last approximately 50 minutes. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact us at ihwbyps@gmail.com.

Please Read First to Ensure Best Results

Warm-Up: Before you dive into the exercises, it's crucial to start each session with a proper warm-up to prepare your muscles and joints for the workout ahead. A good warm-up includes dynamic stretches and light cardiovascular exercises to get your blood flowing and muscles ready. This step can help prevent injuries and ensures you are prepared to give your all in the drills to come.

Cool-Down: Similarly, winding down with a cool-down after your training is essential for aiding in recovery. A thorough cool-down should help transition your body into recovery mode, which includes light cardio to bring your heart rate down and targeted stretching for the muscles you've worked. Focus on stretching the legs and core to reduce soreness and prevent tightness. This focused stretching can help in releasing tension and promoting flexibility, contributing to better muscle recovery and reducing the likelihood of post-workout discomfort.

Safety: Safety is our top priority. It's essential to perform each drill with proper form and be mindful of your body's signals throughout the process. This program is flexible—feel free to adjust the intensity and volume of the drills to match your energy levels and physical condition on any given day. If you find yourself full of energy and able to do more, push a little further. Conversely, if you feel fatigued or strained, it's okay to do less. Listening to your body is the key to maximizing improvement while minimizing the risk of injury. It’s crucial that these exercises are performed under supervision, at least initially, to ensure that the athletes maintain good form to prevent injuries.

Let's get started!

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